Next: Blonde Chainsaw Massacre
Hillbilly Newlyweds

A newly married hillbilly couple decided they wanted children, but didn't know how to go about it. Questions and conversations with friends and relatives proved no help, until a neighbor said they should go to town and ask the Big City Doctor. The doctor let them look at a child's book about where babies came from, but to no avail. He tried his own explanation but was met with blank stares. Exasperated, he took them to his private office, and showed them a porno movie. This was also useless. Angrily, he ordered the girl to strip, told the man to watch, and had sex with her on the couch.

''Now, do you understand?'' he asked.

''I just have one question. How many times a week do I have to bring her in for this?''

Next: Blonde Chainsaw Massacre
Joke in Men/Women