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Pearly Gate Quiz

A stupid guy dies and goes to Heaven.The gatekeeper of Heaven says, "Heaven is getting too full, so you have to pass this quiz to get in. First question: which two days of the week begin with T?"The guy replies, "That's easy. Today and tomorrow."The gatekeeper says, "OK, I'll give it to you. Second question: how many seconds are in a year?"The stupid guy says, "Twelve: January 2nd, February 2nd... ."The gatekeeper says, "OK, OK, I'll give it to you. Last question: what is God's first name?"The stupid guy replies, "Howard."The gatekeeper asks, "How on earth did you get Howard?"The guy says, "It's right there in the prayer: Our father, who art in heaven, Howard be thy name."

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Joke in God Jokes