Next: Yo' Mama Is So Dumb... Road Sign
One day, a blonde left work early to go home ...

One day, a blonde left work early to go home and surprise her husband with a big dinner. When she got home she saw her husband's car in the drive way and thought
"Aw, shoot there goes my suprise."When she got inside, she heard something coming from her bedroom. She looked in and saw her husband humping her sister. She ran out of her house and went to a sporting goods store. After buying a gun she went home and ran into her backyard. She pulled out her gun put it to her head and let out a shrill scream. Her husband ran outside and saw his wife with the gun and said, "Honey, please don't do it!"
The blonde screamed, "Shut up a**hole, you're next!"

Next: Yo' Mama Is So Dumb... Road Sign
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