Next: Yo' Mama Is So Stupid... Batman
Three Couples and Church

Three couples want to join a church, but the pastor has a rule that all new members must go three weeks without having sex.

Three weeks go by and the first couple comes back. The pastor says, "So how did it go?"

"It was pretty hard, but we made it," says the first couple.

"Well, welcome to our church," says the pastor.

The second couple comes back and the pastor asks them the same question. Their reply is the same as the first couple's.

The third couple comes back and the pastor asks them the same question, and they reply, "Well, we were doing pretty well until last night when she bent over to pick up that can of pork and beans and I just put it to her."

"Well, I'm sorry, but you're not welcome to our church," says the pastor.

"That's okay," says the third couple, "We're moving. We're not welcome at the grocery store either."

Next: Yo' Mama Is So Stupid... Batman
Joke in God Jokes