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Lost in West Virginia Memories

A reporter goes to the hills of West Virginia to research an article about the area. He meets an old man and asks him about memorable moments in his life."Well," says the old man, "one time my favorite sheep got lost. Me and my neighbors got some moonshine and went looking for it. We finally found the sheep. Then, we finished the moonshine and wound up screwing the sheep. It was a lot of fun."The reporter asks for another story."Well," says the old man, "one time my neighbor's pig got lost, so me and all the village men got some moonshine and went out looking for her. We finally found the pig. Then, we finished the moonshine and screwed it. Now that was a lot of fun."The frustrated reporter tells the old man that he can't write articles about these stories and asks if he has any sad memories he can talk about.The old man says "Well, one time I got lost... ."

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Joke in Country Jokes